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Based on the Storytelling and Story Acting curriculum of Vivian Gussin Paley, this book outlines how Helicopter Stories supports teaching and learning in the Early Years and Key Stage 1 classroom. It provides a clear step-by-step guide for educators looking to implement this innovative method of storytelling.

This sequel to the bestselling Princesses, Dragons and Helicopter Stories reveals the positive impact the storytelling and story acting curriculum of Vivian Gussin Paley has on young children’s literacy, communication and confidence.

A highly useful resource, crammed full of stories dictated by children aged 3-7 years old during Helicopter Stories sessions. Use the stories in this book as a perfect way to introduce Helicopter Stories to a group of children for the first time.


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Ollie really wants to play a princess in Ariana’s story. He stops, confused, when some of the other boys laugh. But when Noah, the new boy, refuses to take any notice of the laughter, Oliver discovers that there is another way…

Marta doesn’t want Noah in her story. She wants her friend Shamika. Ms Fable says they have to take it in turns, but Marta doesn’t think that is fair. When Noah becomes upset because of how Marta is behaving, she begins to realise that playing with other children can open up a whole load of fun she had never imagined possible…

Ella O’Connor desperately wants to tell a story, but every time she opens her mouth, the words disappear. Will she ever discover the joy of becoming a storyteller and unlock the secret that ideas and stories can be found everywhere?


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Dramatic Mathematics consists of five stories and accompanying exercises to support teachers in Key Stage 1 to take a playful, story-based approach to introduce early mathematical concepts that children often struggle with.