About Trisha Lee

Trisha Lee is the founder and Artistic Director of MakeBelieve Arts, the charity behind Helicopter Stories.

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Trisha first met Vivian Gussin Paley in 1999, having written to her to explore the possibility of integrating Vivian’s work into a programme she was developing in the UK. The synergy they discovered during that meeting led to a deep friendship, and inspired Trisha to pioneer Helicopter Stories in the UK.
Mentored by Vivian Gussin Paley, through letters and conversations, Trisha became an advocate for the role of storytelling and story acting within Early Years education. During this 20 year friendship, Trisha became convinced of the need for a creative, language rich environment in the early years. Just as Vivian emphasised within her own classroom, Trisha advocates for the inclusion of a diverse range of stories and poetry in early childhood, and champions the value this adds to the stories that children dictate.

In addition to her in-class work with children aged 2 to 7, Trisha has developed online training programmes for teachers in how to deliver Helicopter Stories, alongside initiatives like The Poetry Basket and The Story Basket designed to support teachers in cultivating a language rich environment in their settings. 

She has written numerous articles and publications about her work, including the best selling Princesses, Dragons and Helicopter Stories, and The Growth of a Storyteller.

Trisha Lee's Books